My First steps
Ileana D'Cruz believes would not have made a better choice than Barfi! to start their season in Bollywood. The 24-year-old played since 2006 in the Telugu film industry, winning a devoted following for his roles in films like Pokiri. But the unique challenges presented by its role in Barfi Shruti! Bollywood made his debut in a challenge, said recently in an interview."It is located in the 1970s and played a Bengali. I asked Anurag (Basu) if I wanted to be inspired by someone, but he said no Shruti. Finds along the way." She characterized the process "a lot of chaos," and opposes a more predictable rate in the south. "In the south, is more masala fare with the typical girl next door roles."
Ileana is quick to point out that her debut in Telugu and Tamil industry (this year, he starred in the hugely successful Nanban-) like her. So while she is excited about her foray into Bollywood, the south is not breakeven. "Once you're in the industry, you're part of the industry. Whether in the South or in Bollywood."
Against the fan frenzy now associated Ileana (its name comes from Greek mythology, as a variant of "Helen") had a relaxed childhood growing up in Mumbai and Goa. "Living in Goa, it is inevitable to become a bum," he said. "I was a very shy child Films were never my agenda -. Whether I was not comfortable in the spotlight ".
When the film was good, it was taken into the vortex of bids and success. He began to slowly take your money. "I started working when I was 18. I was young and naive." It was not necessarily thinking seriously about his work. "I come to all, makeup, say my lines and go." Slowly, he began to take more seriously their work and concentrate on his acting.
There seems to be a fixation fan inevitable appearance: skin, waist, legs. Ileana set this parameter to "stereotype", but do not know how to take it. "I do not know if you think it is a compliment or not." It is also aware that in some films, it is not necessary for their ability to act. "There are certain movies that I need only to look good, they do not give place to act or perform.
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